Mattress Cleaning


According to the American Lung Association, Dust Mites are Microscopic, Insect-like Pests that generate some of the most Common Indoor Allergens that can trigger Allergic Reactions and Asthma In many people.


Hundreds of Thousands of Dust Mites can live in the Mattresses, Upholstery and Carpets in Your Home and Business. They feed on the dead skin cells found in dust. Dust Mites themselves aren't allergens, but the feces and body fragments that they leave behind are. Because of the tiny, microscopic size of these particles, these fragments (and feces) can easily be inhaled, which then exacerbates most allergies.


Roughly 4 out of 5 Homes in the U.S. have detectable levels or Dust Mite Allergens in at least one bed!


Brent’s Carpet & Furniture Cleaning with our Powerful Truck Mounted “Steam” Cleaning Extraction process helps to remove Dust Mites that may have found their Home in Your Carpet, Upholstery and/or Mattresses by exposing them to extremely high temperatures and powerful vacuums that Dust Mites can not survive.


Family Owned And Operated Since 1976

Call & Talk to Jeff (414) 545-5055


The Guy on The Phone is ... The Guy in Your Home!


Nominal Travel Charge - Outside Milwaukee County